Wednesday, May 19, 2010


As much as we LOVE First Friday and having everyone together, we've decided to cancel the summer parties due to a hugely overcommitted schedule. For at least one of the months we'll be out of town and the other two we have other commitments. I'm sure we'll see most of you through the summer!

Be safe!

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Thinking about a taco salad bar for Friday night. Have homegrown greens coming out of our ears. . .

Also, we haven't made arrangements for a babysitter.. any input?

Monday, April 26, 2010

First Friday in May-7th

Sooo. . I created this silly blog as a means for people to check in, see who might be coming and get ideas of what to bring. . however, I don't think anyone actually checks this. If you do, sign up, leave a comment and let me know.

I have no idea what dish I will be fixing. If it's raining perhaps clam chowda' again, if sunny perhaps a pasta salad. Exciting.

Hope to see some happy faces soon!


Sunday, March 28, 2010

April's First Friday-Kristen's 40th B-day!!!

This First Friday will be a little bit of a celebration. Kristen is turning 40 on April 13th and we'd like to celebrate her. The usual First Friday stuff-5pm-9ish. Come when you want, leave when you want. Bring a dish, or a drink. Marissa will be here to babysit upstairs.
Hope to see you!!

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

March 5th 5ish to 9ish

First Friday this week:

I'm making clam chowder, fresh bread, and salad.

Feel free to bring whatever sounds good to you!

Marissa and Nicki will be here keeping an eye out on the kiddos who want to play upstairs.

Can't wait to see you.

Saturday, January 30, 2010

February 5th 5ish-9ishpm

Come as you are, as you were. . as I want you to be. . as a friend, as a friend . . .as an old enemy(not really)
Take your time, hurry up. . the choice is yours, don't be late. .. .

You know how it goes. Come when you want, leave when you want, bring what you want, etc. Super casual chance to drink and chat with adults while the kids and all their chaos are not so gentle reminders for the babysitter(s) not to have children anytime soon.

I'm thinking of making some stew or soup with bread. You can bring absolutely anything you want. We just want to see you. .

Ryan and Aiden will be at basketball until nearly 6:30 so if you want to come visit with them, you can come after--if you want to avoid them-come before. Whatever--we're easy.

Monday, January 11, 2010

January 8th, 2010

Thanks to all of you who came out to The First Friday. We had a great time!

For those of you who didn't come out and are wondering what it is--just an excuse to see friends once a month.

We provide the space, a dish or two, a bit of beer or wine, etc. You bring a little something to share (eat or drink) and come visit. This is not to be a cooking competition or something to stress over. If you have leftovers from the night before, throw them in a bowl and come over. If you have a bag of chips hanging in the cupboard, throw them in the front seat and come over. If you have screaming children, strap them in and come over. Just get out, have a drink, have some snacks, relax and visit. It's an open invitation. There will be a babysitter (or two) upstairs with the kidlets so if you bring yours, we'll all chip in and help pay the sitter.

Hope to see you next month!

Next First Friday-

February 5th 5-8pm (ish)